⦿ Breaking The Browser – A tale of IPC, credentials and backdoors - Dylan(@_batsec_)
- 크롬 IPC를 이용한 크리덴셜 훔치기 및 백도어
- https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2021/01/breaking-the-browser-a-tale-of-ipc-credentials-and-backdoors/
- Real World CTF에 출제된 Personal proxy writeup
- https://blog.cryptohack.org/cracking-chinese-proxy-realworldctf
⦿ FADE DEAD | Adventures in Reversing Malicious Run-Only AppleScripts - PHIL STOKES
- 분석 난이도를 높이는 AppleScript를 사용하는 macOS.OSAMiner 마이너 멀웨어 분석 방법
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/fade-dead-adventures-in-reversing-malicious-run-only-applescripts/
- OSX.OSAMiner 샘플(password: infect3d)
- https://t.co/MeMvVj5eMO?amp=1
⦿ In-the-Wild Series - Google Project Zero
- In-the-Wild에서 작전에 사용되던 제로데이 취약점들 분석 시리즈
- Maddie Stone, "In-the-Wild Series: Android Post-Exploitation"
- Mark Brand, "In-the-Wild Series: Android Exploits"
- Mateusz Jurczyk and Sergei Glazunov, "In-the-Wild Series: Windows Exploits"
- Sergei Glazunov, "In-the-Wild Series: Chrome Infinity Bug"
- Sergei Glazunov, "In-the-Wild Series: Chrome Exploits"
⦿ Making Clouds Rain :: Remote Code Execution in Microsoft Office 365 - ϻг_ϻε(@steventseeley)
- Exchange Online의 원격 코드 실행
- https://srcincite.io/blog/2021/01/12/making-clouds-rain-rce-in-office-365.html
⦿ PHP의 Type Juggling에서 나타나는 취약점(Magic Hashes 취약점)
⦿ Real World CTF 발표자료(자막있음)
- A Journey Combining Web Hacking and Binary Exploitation in Real World! - Orange Tsai
- Blowing the cover of android binary fuzzing - Flanker
- Discovering Deep-Level Vulnerabilities in Databases - Hangfan Zhang
- Dive into Kernel Memory Mapping and TOCTTOU Vulnerability - Wang Yu
- EVM Opcode JOP - xhyumiracle
- Exploiting V8 Interpreter by -1 Index to Descriptor Array - Huanyao Rong
- POLYGLOT Speaks Your Language: Generic Language Processor Fuzzing with Semantic Validation - Yupeng Yang
- Play CTF with SLIPPER - Slipper
- Runtime Dynamic Code Execution in Objective-C - CodeColorist
- Userfaultfd in kernel exploit - BrieflyX
⦿ Stealing Your Private YouTube Videos, One Frame at a Time - David Schütz
- Google Ads의 Moments 기능을 이용해 private video를 한 프레임씩 유출할 수 있는 취약점
- https://bugs.xdavidhu.me/google/2021/01/11/stealing-your-private-videos-one-frame-at-a-time/
⦿ Sysmon13 공개 - MS sysinternal
- Herpaderping 공격 탐지 추가
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon
- 자세한 설명: https://medium.com/falconforce/sysmon-13-process-tampering-detection-820366138a6c
⦿ The Mac Malware of 2020 - Patrick Wardle
- 2020년 발견된 MacOS 멀웨어 타임라인과 분석
- https://objective-see.com/blog/blog_0x5F.html
⦿ THE STORY OF CVE-2021-1648 - k0shl
- splwow64 서비스의 취약점 분석
- https://whereisk0shl.top/post/the_story_of_cve_2021_1648
⦿ Understanding and Exploiting Zerologon - Siddharth Balyan & Nandini Rana
- Zerologon 취약점 분석과 익스플로잇
- https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/general/Understanding_and_Exploiting_Zerologon.pdf
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